The referencing process, the "BUG" of Openrent

I do not know how Goodlord does the reference check compared to Openrent, but there seems to be a BUG for the reference service by Openrent.

The HR rep of the employer of the applicant (e.g., one of the leading banks in the UK) does not want to click the link in the email sent by Openrent due to their policies - instead, they sent confirmation emails to Openrent. - then things get stuck as Openrent does not accept this. The reference report suggests the applicant failed the check.

Do any of you have experience of how other references, such as Goodlord, work? Do they also force the referee to click into a ‘link’ of the email or do they accept emails? Do all the employers have this over-cautious policy (of not clicking into links in an email)?

References are almost always done through online forms. This is the employer being extremely cautious. It’s not a bug but a limitation.

I would ring the referencing company direct yourself and ask if they can call employer directly.

I actually ring employers myself directly so I am satisfied.

I assume you require rent income insurance?

yes- I always buy the insurance.

Its in your applicants intrest to have their employer complete the application if they are unable to convince the employer to do this they will fail, their problem.
The employer is being unreasonable.

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